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Industry News
2013 Energy Efficiency Industry Report by CEE
Posted: 04/17/2014 01:43:19  Hits: 547
2013 Energy Efficiency Industry Report by CEE
For the eighth consecutive year, the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) today releases its Annual Industry Report, deepening the picture of US and Canadian energy efficiency and demand response investments. CEE is an award-winning consortium of efficiency program administrators from the United States and Canada. Members work to unify program approaches across jurisdictions to increase the success of efficiency in markets. CEE's annual review of the industry, including detailed survey responses from 361 utility and nonutility programs, shows that program investments and budgets continue to rise, with corresponding growth in savings. 
The 2013 report adds categories of data, including input from electric efficiency funding sources other than ratepayer revenues. CEE also requested the details of electric program budgets, expenditures, and savings. 2013 Report Shows Continued Growth in the Energy Efficiency Industry. The 2013 Annual Industry Report shows that budgets, expenditures, and savings are all growing. 2013 budgets climbed to a record $9.6 billion, and US and Canadian combined gas and electric demand side investments reached $8.0 billion from all sources in 2012.  
New in this year's report is the collection of funding from all sources for electric efficiency in addition to ratepayer funds. For example, wholesale capacity market revenues, regional carbon market funds, weatherization assistance programs, and other sources were gathered. This year's survey also pursued an unprecedented level of inquiry into underlying programmatic details, deepening understanding of the Industry.
"The report results clearly illustrate the resiliency of program administrators as they deliver ever greater impacts over and above their impressive past," stated Ed Wisniewski, Executive Director of CEE. "Considering such achievements occurred during a period of economic downturn, volatile and relatively depressed natural gas costs, and following aggressive federal standard setting largely enabled by programs, this is quite a remarkable achievement."
For Full Information, Click here to download CEE 2013 Annual Industry Energy Report PDF from our file resource.

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