According to Cameroon Tribune reported in October 20, Energy Department minister of ten members from Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) and Economic Community of Central African Countries (CEEAC), attended a meeting held in Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon on 18th of October. The meeting reviewed and adopted "the White Paper of Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa and Economic Community of Central African Countries: the universal access to modern energy services and regional policy of economic and social development."
The introduction of the White Paper has got the technical and financial support from United Nations Development Program. Its aim is to excavate the energy potential of central African countries, to explore how to use the power to supply energy for central Africa regions and to promote the social and economic development of central Africa regions. Therefore, the White Paper puts forward three guiding principles: first, it is the "good governance" of sub-districts, countries and regions. Second, it is to ensure the energy safety, develop renewable energy and explore hydropower potential. Third, it is "inclusive" development and poverty reduction.
According to the conference held on 18th of October, in order to the implementation of the White Paper, particularly in terms of "access to modern energy services", the total investment needs to reach $14.8 billion. Then, the goal to reach 54% of
electricity access rate in the central African regions in 2030 can be assured. In addition, according to statistics, there is currently only 15% of population using clean energy in central Africa.