Production technology development of steel pipe began in the rise of bicycle manufacturing. Many events are effectively driving the development of steel pipe industry in varieties, yield and quality such as the exploitation of oil in the early 19th century, the manufacture of ships, boilers and aircraft during two world wars and the manufacture of thermal power boiler in the Second World War, chemical industry development, drilling and transportation of oil and gas.
Steel pipe not only is used for conveying fluid and powdery solid, but also exchange heat and manufacture machinery parts and containers. Moreover, it is also a kind of economic steel. It can reduce weight saving metal about 20 ~ 40% if we manufacture net rack and backbone of architectural structure and mechanical support. It can also realize the mechanization of factory construction. (Tianjin steel tube company processing workshops save actually up to 42.9% with space truss structure of steel pipe). Manufacturing highway bridges by using steel pipes can not only save steel material, simplify construction procedure, but also greatly reduce the area of the coating layer, save investment fees and maintenance costs. So, any other types of steel cannot completely replace steel tube, but the steel tube can replace part of the proximate matter and bar material. Steel pipe has greatly influence on the national economic development and improvement of quality of human life, far better than the other steel products. People can’t do without steel pipes from people's daily appliances, furniture, water supply and drainage, gas supply, ventilation and heating facilities to various kinds of agricultural machinery equipment manufacturing, the development of underground resources, defense and guns for aerospace, bullets, missiles, rocket, etc.
It is because of the closely relationship between steel tube and human life and human production activities that production technology of steel pipe industry not only is developing rapidly, but also get rid of the stale and bring forth from the fresh. In conclusion, steel pipe production occupies an irreplaceable position in iron and steel industry.